On 28 May 2021, the United Nations (UN) Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on cybersecurity adopted, and later published an advanced copy of its final consensus report. The 25 UN Members of the group achieved consensus during an especially trying time as cyber tensions between states are on the rise due to unprecedented large-scale state-sponsored cyber-attacks on infrastructure, private companies, and electoral processes. The GGE’s successful adoption of its 2019-2021 report is especially important, as a previous attempt at the 2016-2017 GGE failed to produce a final report. The adoption of the report is also reason for optimism regarding future efforts by states to identify how international law applies in cyberspace, and details how states can uphold expectations for responsible behavior online. Some stakeholder responses can be found here, by CyberPeace Institute, Global Partners Digital, ICT4 Peace Foundation, and Diplo.