June was a busy month for multi-lateral high-level Summits. Between 11 June and 16 June, four high-level summits were held across Europe: the G7 Summit, the NATO Summit, the EU-US Summit, and the US-Russia Summit. In all four discussions, leaders expressed concern and promised action over the worrying rise in state-sponsored cyber-attacks, calling for all international actors to foster responsible behavior in cyberspace. On 11-13 June at the G7 Summit, leaders called on “all states to stop cybercriminals from operating within their border” and expressed support for the work of the UN GGE and the OEWG. On 14 June, NATO leaders agreed to work on international cooperation to improve cybersecurity from large scale attacks, vowing “to deepen their cooperation on cybersecurity information sharing and situational awareness.” They also stressed that “significant malicious cumulative cyber activities” should be considered an armed attack. During President Biden’s visit to Brussels for the EU-US Summit on 15 June, the EU and the US announced the formation of their new high-level EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC). The TTC will ensure closer cooperation across the Atlantic on digital issues, and will establish ten working groups, including one on ICT Security and competitiveness. Finally, in an effort to reinstate diplomatic relations, on 16 June 2021, US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin, met in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss several issues, including cybersecurity. The two states agreed to enter into ‘consultations’ on cybersecurity, though no further detail was provided on the modalities of their cooperation. US President Biden stated the two sides had agreed to task experts in both countries to “work on specific understandings about what’s off-limits, and to follow up on specific cases that originate in other countries in either our countries.”