On 1-2 June 2021, the Open-Ended Working Group on Developments in the Field of ICTs in the Context of International Security 2021-2025 (OEWG) held its first hybrid organizational session in New York, USA and online. Participants discussed the modalities, schedule and agenda of the Working Group, and elected Ambassador Burhan Gafoor, Permanent Representative of Singapore to the UN in New York, as chair. Participating states did not come to a conclusion however, on the creation of subgroups, or regarding the involvement of stakeholders like private companies, civil society groups and NGOs in the work of OEWG 2021–2025. The first substantive session of the group has been tentatively scheduled for 13-17 December 2021, subject to approval from the Committee of Conferences. WILPF’s programme Reaching Critical Will provided an in-depth summary here, and a full rundown of the first session can also be found on Diplo.